1984 Posters

I Love You

I Love You poster was inspired by the novel 1984 written by George Orwell. This poster was designed to promote book discussions happening around Portland. It illustrates one of the memorable moments from the book when Julia slips the note which says “I Love You” into Winston’s pocket. The choice of colors conveys the dark setting of the events happening in Ocenia, the place of public manipulation,  omnipresent government surveillance, and perpetual war. Whereas bright red color of the words “I Love You” signifies that even in the world of tyranny there is always a place for love.

The Light

“The Light” conveys an intimate experience of reading books, and alludes to being curled up under the blanket with the flash light consumed by a story. It also illustrates that even after many years since the novel’s first publication in 1949 we still enjoy this timeless classic, but the story reads differently to us now than it did before. It is seen under a different light. The dark red of 1984 was chosen to convey the feel of brutal events happening in the novel and the black color of the font was designed to let the book be a focal point of the poster.